Did You Know
The success of your retirement depends on the amount you save, not on your rate of return. A unique cash accumulating life insurance policy using leverage offers an opportunity to earn interest and eliminate the risk of market declines, while providing you and your family protection. The policy secures the loan, providing you the potential for an additional 60-100% more for your retirement without the typical risks associated with leverage.
Why Enhanced Split Dollar
Most people who are highly compensated dread their tax bill. ESD is one of the few strategies, where if done correctly, is truly tax free. All the money you put in, is working for you. In addition, smart leveraging increases that cash to substantially larger amounts. The net result is more cash going in pre tax, growing tax deferred, and being accessed through policy loans, tax free.
These additional contributions greatly enhance the growth potential of your policy, which in turn provides more protection and more benefits. This provides you with more flexibility in the event of an emergency (chronic, terminal, critical illness or death) and allows you to get up to 100% more distributions compared to conventional retirement plans.
Value Provided
- Truly one of the best and most tax-efficient incentive plans on the market.
- Up to 3x leverage increases the amount of cash available.
- Typically 60% – 100% better return versus deferred compensation strategies.
Required Qualifications
- C Corp and nonprofit organizations.
- Under 65 in age.
- Earning $200,000+ per year*.
- Standard or better health.