Great News! We've Found a Good Strategy for You.| Some Good Strategies for You.
Based on what you told us we think the below NIW strategy would be a great option for you. The next step is to set up a time to speak to a licenced professional to learn more.

Kai-Zen® for Keyman
An alternative to traditional term solutions used for Keyman plans, Kai-Zen® covers the risk of death but also creates a pool of cash to fund living scenarios as well.
Value Provided
- Creates a pool of revenue for living keyman for when key persons leave, get sick, retire, or die
- Potential for more accumulation for key employees
- Employees can maintain current lifestyle
- More protection for your key employees and their families
- Employees can diversify their assets
Required Qualifications
- Your combined household income is at least 100k per year
- You are between the ages of 18 - 70
- You are in average or good health
- You can contribute a minimum of $22k per year