THE KAI-ZEN® STRATEGY Funding future liabilities with Kai-Zen®

Every business owner wants to offer employee benefits. Frequently asked questions include: What does it take to fund the plan? What are the constraints on our decisions and outcomes? How much will costs escalate over time? If my team stays and my business expands, will my costs grow as well?
Kai-Zen® takes the seed money you have, or are willing to contribute, and leverages it up without the business being on the hook for the loan.  The plan is safe enough that the lenders regard it as the sole and only security, without interest payments or warrants. Your seed money and lender money is added to the plan. You make 5 fixed payments and your done, no cost creep.  On average participants receive 60 to 100% more cash net of loan. Kai-Zen® simply takes your existing budget and enhances it.
When was the last time your benefit broker had a program that added capital to your benefit plan?

Estimate Your Returns

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Why Kai-Zen®

Established companies have benefit plans, ESOP’s, and other solutions. Many businesses have underfunded the liability impacting their balance sheet, but don’t want to redirect all the cashflow needed to fund them. Kai-Zen® brings extra capital to businesses to solve this issue. Reducing the cost of funding by 25 to 50%.

Value Provided

  • Allows you to offer better benefits for the same budget without cost creep.
  • Simple to administer and manage.
  • Individual or group plan options available with simple enrollment.

Required Qualifications

  • Group plans require 10 or more participants with no maximum participants.
  • Executive level & Key professionals only with $100,000+ salary.
  • Max age 65.